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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

long time no ........................

HEY! long time no tell my experiences to you guys. do you miss me? BAHAHAH YES OFF COURSE! I was puzzled to tell what happened while I was not open this site. huhu lots of fun events that I have to tell you. but I'm lazy to tell it. HAHAHAH slowly I will tell you briefly what had happened.

the first incident :
we make a gang called placito. incorporated in placito are my friends, kezia, niken, rahmanita, vemy, april, nanda and luthfia.

Choir Competition :

choir competition held in Tamini, was rather lively. my school choir team win the game and managed to reach the second winner.

ok gue nggak tau lagi harus cerita apa lagi -,- ya sepeti yang udah gue bilang tadi banyak banget yang harus diceritakan tapi bingung mau menceritakan yang mana karena terlalu banyak yang menarik dan seru (ahilah sepik aja lu van) lanjut deh ya.

because having won the municipalities level, we finally developed the next level of the provincial dki jakarta. dki level, my school choir team win the competition and managed to reach the third winner. bahahah keren kan ya?

eh udahan ah nge postnya, sumpah dah gue bingung mau nyeritain apa lagi. hahaha bye:)


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